
5 Mobility Moves That Will Help You Lift More Instantly

Mobility movements that help you lift more instantly

There is a lot of conflicting advice about heating, stretching, foam rolling and general mobility. So much so that it can leave you confused and overwhelmed - and what's worse, you won't make any progress in the gym. Here's an easy guide to understanding where you're likely to have mobility problems, how to fix your weaknesses, and how to easily break through even the toughest elevators.

It's all in the hips

Most adults spend most of their day in what is called hip and spinal flexion. This means a closed hip fold and a bad position of the spine - the stimulator of poor posture. These need to be adjusted to restore the balance of your body. Good hip mobility can reduce chronic back pain, help your buttock muscles work more efficiently, and allow you to take longer steps and "mow" more effectively on the field, playground or grate.

Spiderman walks

These serve a dual purpose, not only by opening and stretching the hip area, but also by bringing the center rotation back into play - another commonly limited area in the typical adult. Rolling to the open side, as you can see in the video, can also intensify the stretching of the hip complex, which is even more effective.

Knee walks

Doing this before training can be a dynamic stretching of the buttock muscles from the other side. Remember to stay high and pull your knee up to your chest. No crouching.

Don't forget the shoulder joint

Not surprisingly, the next major ball joint in the body is the central point responsible for the greatest range of motion, and for this reason it is important to make sure it is in proper working order before the upper body moves.

The shoulder turns out

Shoulder dislocation is a great way to get a joint to release fluids and create more range of motion. If the use of a dowel or broom is too restrictive and causes pain, switch to a strap so that the width of your hands is not carved in stone as you move.

Slides on the wall

Although less important than the above movement, slides on the wall are still important to help keep the shoulder joint in the correct position when going through the pressure pattern that often occurs during weightlifting. Many people who have tight shoulder joints will find a way to compensate for this pattern by bridging their spine or letting their wrists fall off the wall. Try to keep each point of contact against the wall, as this requires greater mobility of the arms through a dynamic range of motion.

Putting it all together: Squat overhead

People see squats overhead as an exercise that should have entered the conversation earlier. The point is that there are preconditions for mobility that need to be achieved so that squatting overhead is a truly effective warm-up exercise. It's a challenging move that combines stability with mobility.

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