
The Best Strength Move for Losing Fat

The best strengthening movements for weight loss

Countless workouts provide high-intensity training to increase metabolism, burn fat and strengthen your fitness, but you can get it all in one exercise: standing up. This conditioning movement focuses on every major muscle in your body and leaves you breathless. Still, many lifters avoid get-ups because it requires more steps and a kettlebell, which can be daunting. We've covered the tutorial in a step-by-step guide so you know exactly what to do to take advantage of it. For starters, try it with an 8kg kettlebell (about 18 pounds), and once you master the movements, gain weight.

Step 1: Starting position

Lie on your back, feet shoulder-width apart. Bend one knee so that the foot rests on the floor. Hold the kettlebell in your hand on the same side as your bent leg, arms outstretched directly over your shoulder, the bell resting on your forearm. Keep your wrists and arms straight while moving. Your opposite arm should lie on the floor at a 45-degree angle to your body. Keep your eyes on the bell at all times.

Step 2: Elbows and arms

Hold the knuckles of your hand holding the bell towards the ceiling and rise to reach the elbow of the opposite arm. In this position, rise as high as you can. Then push into the set foot and palm to straighten the opposite arm.

Step 3: Bridging and lunge phases

Push your hands and feet into the floor and lift your hips as high as you can. The goal is to get as much willpower under your ass. Pause in this position for a second.
Pull your straight leg under your hips and back behind you until you can place your knee down to the half kneeling position. At this point, you can lift your planted hand off the floor. Straighten the fuselage and center. Your body should now be in a high, half-kneeling position, with your working arms still straight.

Step 4: Stand up and then turn around

Stand up from half kneeling. The replay does not end until you return to your starting position, so you must reverse the steps to get back down. Put your knee back on the floor (remember it's a free arm knee). Then place your hand on the side of the floor and let the kneeling foot pass under the hips and straighten it back in front of you. Lower your hips to sit down and lower your elbow to the floor. Finally, with both hands, carefully guide the bell back down to the ground along the shoulder of your working arm. That is one opposite. Repeat on the opposite side.
Training tips

To add this as a cardio and fat burning component to any workout, run the clock for 10 minutes and see how many repetitions you can complete the Turkish getting up with alternating arms.

For independent training in Turkish getting up, try rounds of 6 repetitions (3 on the arm), with 2 minutes of rest between rounds. Make as many series as you have time or energy. If this movement is too challenging, divide the Get-Up into sections. Start with a Turkish sit-up so you can move comfortably with a kettlebell.

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